Digital Citizenship

“A digital citizen is someone who uses technology responsibility to learn, create, and participate.” (

Students will understand how to safely and responsibly use digital technologies, including chromebooks, online resources, social media, and other devices.

Teach responsible handling of devices

Support use of Clever Badges

Introduce students to the concept of accessing digital books both at school and at home

Introduce the concept of digital citizenship, responsibility and safety both online and offline (Gr 3)

Reintroduce the responsible handling of devices

Evaluate Websites for personal use

Introduce the idea of assessing authors and sources

Discuss Responsible Use of Technology Form

Further explore the evaluation of websites and digital information for personal & educational uses

Instruct on the analysis and assessment of authors and sources

Educate on cyberbullying, online safety, permanence of digital information, and online privacy

Introduce social media usage for both personal and educational purposes

Encourage evaluation of websites for personal and educational uses

Emphasize the importance of personal safety in online situations

Discuss common digital concerns (phishing, spoofing, hacking) and preventative practices.