Yorktown Central School District

Data Department

Welcome to the Yorktown Central School District (YCSD) Data Department

Shared Vision:

YCSD Data Department will foster a culture of literacy, collaboration, accountability and integrity around the use of data with our end goal of career and college readiness for all students. We will foster and support , in collaboration with our students, parents, faculty and administration, an atmosphere of excellence, dedication and resolve in making informed decisions that are student centered. We value education and hold everyone responsible for being a learner, teacher, and a leader.


The staff in the Data Department at Yorktown Central School District believes that accurate and timely data is a key to enhancing learning and achievement for all. The mission of the Data Department is to support the staff and administration in the use of student and staff data to inform decision-making in curriculum development, student learning, and professional development at the classroom, building and district levels.


  • To provide student data that informs and guides the development of curriculum, instruction, and assessment.

  • To deliver professional development for staff in data informed decision making, inquiry based analysis and making data actionionable in maximizing student outcomes.

  • Support in the use of administrative and academic software.

  • Provide parents with online access to their student's performance and other important information through the Parent Portal.

  • To collaborate with the Yorktown Central School District staff, Local partners, Regional partners and the NY State Department of Education to ensure that all data is accurate and timely.