MESMS Students Decode Genetics with iGrant

Exciting news from the March 18 Board of Education meeting! MESMS eighth-graders wowed everyone with an incredible learning experience made possible through an Innovation Grant.

Ms. Servedio, their science teacher, took them on a thrilling ride into the world of genetics using gel electrophoresis. Their mission? "Hunting the Inheritance of Huntington's Disease," where they explored the mysteries of this genetic condition.

The students researched and analyzed a family's genetic history to predict the likelihood of the disease passing to the next generation. Using pedigree charts, they mapped out how the disease traveled through generations. Then, they used gel electrophoresis to analyze DNA samples from family members and predict their genotypes.

Their discoveries were nothing short of mind-blowing! Based on their findings, they predicted that one of the children would develop Huntington's Disease in their mid-20s.

The students expressed excitement about the hands-on learning experience and thanked the board for providing the opportunity through the Innovation Grant program established this year. They spoke passionately about how this project ignited their interest in science, making them feel like real scientists on a thrilling adventure.