Free and Reduced Price Food Services

The District shall participate in federally funded school lunch programs, and shall provide free or reduced price food services to qualified District students.

An application may be made for a free or a reduced price lunch for any student attending the Yorktown Central School District who qualifies under the terms of the Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines.  

Application forms can be obtained from the Principal or from the District website. All applications are reviewed on an annual basis and should be filed at the beginning of each  school year. If changes occur in household  size or income which make a child eligible for the program, application may be made during the school year. Students that receive food assistance, Medicaid assistance, or are classified as homeless or foster children, are directly certified by the county and no application is necessary 

1. Eligibility Determination

Each Principal shall make final determinations as to which students in attendance at their school are eligible to receive such services within ten (10) days of receipt of an application.

2. Standards of Eligibility

Any student  who is a member of a household whose income is below the Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines for households of the same number shall be eligible to receive such services.

3. Application Procedures

a. Application forms will be available in the main office of each school building and on the District website.

b. Completed forms must be submitted to the Principal of the school which the student attends prior to any determination of eligibility.

c. The person in parental relation to the student will be informed of the Principal's determination within ten (10) days of receiving a properly completed application.

4. Provision for Anonymity

Upon approval of the application for free and reduced food services, the Principal or their designee will update the student information system with the student’s status. The point-of-sale system used by the food service company will also be updated with the student’s status so that anonymity will be protected.   All reasonable efforts will be extended in protecting the anonymity of the student in accordance with federal regulations governing such programs.

5. Provision for Appeal

Upon written request, the Assistant Superintendent of Business will hear appeals of determinations regarding such services in compliance with federal regulations governing the National School Lunch Program.

Ref:     National School Lunch Act of 1946, as amended (42 USC 1751-1760)

Child Nutrition Act of 1966, Public Law 89-642, 80 Stat. 885, as amended

Adoption date:  December 1, 1995

Amended date: February 13, 2023

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