
Disposal of District Property

Building administrators and support staff supervisors are responsible for identifying obsolete or surplus equipment and supplies within their area(s) of responsibility. Each year, a determination will be made of which equipment and inventoried items are obsolete and cannot be salvaged or utilized effectively or economically by the District. District equipment and inventoried items that are obsolete, surplus, or unusable by the District will be disposed of in such a manner that is advantageous to the District.

Following approval by the Board, the Superintendent is authorized to dispose of obsolete and surplus equipment and supplies in the following manner:

1. Reassign the items, as needed, to other locations within the District; 

2. Centralize the storage of items of potential usefulness; and/or 

3. Discard or sell as surplus those items determined to be of no further use or value

to the District.

Items may be sold in the following manner:


Textbooks that lose their educational value as a result of changes in the curriculum or educational programs may be disposed of in the following manner:

1. Sale for the highest possible price, through bid or public sale;

2. Sale for the highest possible price to local schools;

3. Donation to appropriate charitable organizations; and/or

4. Disposal in the safest, least expensive, and environmentally friendly manner.

Cross-ref:  6640, Inventories/Capitalization

Ref: General Municipal Law §§51; 800 et seq.

Ross v. Wilson, 308 N.Y. 2d 605 (1955)

Matter of Baker, 14 EDR 5 (1974)

Op. St. Compt. 58-120

Adoption date: December 1, 1995

Amended date: April 29, 2008

Amended date: November 7, 2022

Amended date: February 12, 2024