
StudentS Head Lice (Pediculosis) Regulation


The following are the Nurse Protocols for the identification, treatment and management of head lice.

Lice Information

Head lice are small external parasites of the human host (generally heads). Head lice do not spread disease and do not hop or fly. They can, however, spread easily from one person to another. There are three forms of head lice:  nits (eggs), nymphs (immature lice) and adults (lice). Symptoms of head lice infestation may include a feeling of something moving in the hair; itching caused by an allergic reaction to the bites; irritability; and sores on the head caused by scratching that can become infected.

In accordance with the recommendation of the American Academy of Pediatrics and in order not to disrupt the educational process, a student will generally not be excluded from school if he or she has nits. However, in the event of a widespread or uncontrolled infestation, upon the recommendation by the School Physician, students with viable nits may be excluded from school until the infestation is managed as determined by the School Physician or School Nurse.

Lice Protocol

When a possible case of head lice comes to the attention of the School Nurse, the following protocols shall be followed:

Classroom Protocol

Additional Resources:




Adopted date: September 17, 2018

Amended date: October 2, 2018

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