Student Conduct on School Buses

The Board believes it is important for students to behave appropriately while riding on buses used to transport students to ensure their safety, that of other passengers, and the fewest possible distractions for bus drivers. Since the school bus may be regarded as an extension of the classroom, students are required to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the District Code of Conduct.

While the law requires the District to furnish transportation for eligible students, it does not relieve parent(s)/guardian(s) of the responsibility for supervision until such time as the student boards the bus in the morning and after the student leaves the bus at the end of the school day. Only after a student boards the bus does he/she become the responsibility of the District. Such responsibility shall end when the student is delivered to the regular bus stop at the close of the school day.

If a student does not conduct himself/herself properly (including, but not limited to, excessive noise, inappropriate language, pushing, etc.) on a bus, the bus driver is expected to bring such misconduct to the Principal’s attention. Students who become a disciplinary problem may have their riding privileges suspended by the Principal, the Superintendent or their designee.

In such cases, the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) will become responsible for seeing that his/her child gets to and from school safely. Should the suspension from transportation amount to a suspension from attendance, the District will make appropriate arrangements to provide for the student’s education.

A student subjected to a suspension from transportation is not entitled to a full hearing pursuant to Education Law §3214. However, the student and the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) will be provided with a reasonable opportunity for an informal conference with the Principal or the Principal’s designee to discuss the conduct and the penalty involved.

Cross-ref: 5300 Code of Conduct

8133 Use of Security Systems

8410 Student Transportation

Ref: Education Law §3214; 3635

Adoption date: December 1, 1995

Amended date: January 26, 2004

Amended date: September 17, 2018

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