
Tobacco, Drug and Alcohol Use/Abuse

The term “alcohol and/or other substances” shall be construed throughout this policy to refer to the use of all substances including, but not limited to, controlled substances, alcohol, inhalants, illicit and synthetic drugs, opioids, steroids, lookalikes, and any of those substances commonly referred to as “designer drugs,” except for drugs prescribed by a physician.

The term “tobacco” shall be construed throughout this policy to refer to the use of all substances, including, but not limited to, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing, vape devices, or smokeless tobacco.

No student may use, possess, sell, or distribute tobacco, nicotine, vape devices, alcohol, drugs or other substances, nor may any student use or possess any related paraphernalia, on school grounds or at school-sponsored events, whether on or off school premises. The inappropriate use, sharing, selling, or purchasing of prescription or over the counter drugs shall also be prohibited. Students who engage in the use of tobacco, alcohol, and/or other substances will be subject to disciplinary penalties.

Additionally, the following persons shall be prohibited from entering school grounds or school-sponsored events: any person exhibiting behavior, conduct, or personal or physical characteristics indicative of having used or consumed alcohol and/or other substances, or any person who school personnel have reasonable grounds to suspect has used alcohol and/or other substances. Any staff member observing possession or signs of usage of alcohol, and/or other substances by students on school grounds or during school-sponsored or supervised events shall report the incident immediately to the Superintendent or his/her designee.

Any staff member observing signs of usage of alcohol, tobacco and/or other substances by students on school grounds or during school-sponsored or supervised events shall report the incident immediately to the Superintendent or his/her designee. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall then take appropriate action. Any alcohol, tobacco and/or other substances found shall be confiscated immediately, followed by notification of the parent(s) or guardian of the student(s) involved and the appropriate disciplinary action taken, up to and including permanent suspension and referral for prosecution.

Cross-ref: 1530, Smoking and Other Tobacco Use on School Premises

5420, Student Health Services

Adoption date: December 1, 1995

Amended date: July 2, 2002

Amended date: January 27, 2020

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