Interscholastic Athletics

All students shall be encouraged and allowed to participate in individual sports on the basis of their abilities, interests and desires, satisfying academic eligibility requirements, and meeting medical requirements. Student eligibility for participation on interscholastic teams shall include:

1. Authorization by the school or private physician (with the school physician having the final authority);

2. Written parent or guardian consent;

3. Compliance with the District and Athletic Codes of Conduct; and

4. Academic eligibility requirements.

All interscholastic athletic teams shall be open to all eligible students enrolled in the District. Coaches shall make every effort to give each team member opportunities to play in interscholastic games subject to the rules governing limits of substitution. Progressive levels of skill proficiency are needed at the three grades of interscholastic sports: freshman, junior varsity, and varsity. Coaches shall help students to develop these skills.

1. Freshman teams are open to all eligible 9th graders.

2. Junior Varsity teams are open to all eligible 9th, 10th and 11th grade students.

3. Varsity teams are open to all eligible 9th through 12th grade students.

In rare circumstances, with the approval of the Director of Athletics, Health and Physical Education, students may be

permitted to go through the athletic placement eligibility process in accordance with law and regulations and the rules o

the New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA).

The District shall ensure adherence to all relevant rules and regulations of the appropriate State and County Leagues, Associations and Conferences.

Cross-ref: 5281, Athletic Placement Process for Interscholastics Athletics Program

5285, Academic Eligibility Policy for Athletics and Extracurricular Activities

5300, Code of Conduct

New York State Education Department, Athletic Placement Process for Interschool Athletic Programs

District Athletic Code of Conduct

Ref: Education Law §§414; 1502; 1604(7-b); 1709(8-a); 1718(2); 3001-b; 4409

8 NYCRR §135.4

Adoption date: December 1, 1995

Amended date: September 23, 2003

Amended date: September 21, 2009

Amended date: November 4, 2019

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