
Field Trips and Excursions

For purposes of this policy, a field trip will be generally defined as any journey by a group of students away from the school premises, under the supervision of a teacher or a coach, that is an integral part of an approved course of study or extracurricular activity, and is considered compulsory. An example is a trip to an athletic event competition. An excursion is  defined as a journey that is not an integral part of the educational program, but is also desirable as an enrichment to the regular course of study. An example is a class trip to the zoo. 

The Superintendent or designee will be responsible for reviewing and approving or rejecting all proposed field trips.  

Requests for approval of overnight trips must be submitted to the Superintendent at least 30 days in advance of the trip when possible, and must include (a) a detailed itinerary, (b) a statement of how the trip is funded, and (c) a list of chaperones. All overnight field trips will require the approval of the Board. 

The District does not authorize field trips which require travel out of the country.

The Board delegates the responsibility of establishing specific regulations and procedures governing all authorized field trips to the Superintendent. The regulations will apply to all District approved trips, curricular, athletic, or supplemental. All requests for field trip approval and arrangements made for field trips must follow this policy.

The following rules will apply to all trips:

7.   School-sponsored overnight excursions will not exceed two school days. 

Non-School-Sponsored Trips

Trips with students, other than those addressed in this policy, are unauthorized. Neither the Board, nor District employees (acting within the scope of their employment) can accept responsibility for planning, organizing, publicizing, funding, supervising, or conducting outside field trips. Furthermore, the Board assumes no liability for such trips taken by students or employees of the District. 

No staff member or other individual will announce any non-school-sponsored trip, nor solicit students of this District for such trips within the facilities or on the school grounds of the District. In addition, no individual will use the name of the District or any of its organizations in conjunction with such trip. The District does not assume liability in any way for any staff member of this District who takes students on trips not approved by the Superintendent, as required by this policy.

Any staff member who leads, sponsors, or participates in a non-school-sponsored trip involving District students will, in advance and in writing, inform the participating students and their parents/guardians that the trip is not sponsored by the District and the District bears no responsibility for such trip.

Employees of the District who may be involved with organizations outside the scope of their District employment may not use school time or resources for any activity related to trips for such organizations. 



The source of funding will be determined by whether the trip is considered compulsory to the class or group, or an optional excursion. Trips that are determined to be compulsory will be funded by the District through budgetary appropriations. Excursions that are deemed optional or voluntary will be funded by student fundraising or parental/guardian support. However, no student will be prohibited from participating in an excursion because of costs.

Should an excursion be canceled for any reason, monies will be refunded to the extent they have been recovered from all vendors. Any funds remaining that were fundraised will be held and applied to a future event for the club or group.  




Transportation for curricular, athletic, and supplemental trips will be provided if such trips and activities are approved by the Superintendent or Board. The District Code of Conduct will be in effect for all such transportation. Transportation for all trips will be limited to school-owned or contracted vehicles, except in the instance of travel via air or train.

Any vehicle used for such transportation must carry a District teacher or responsible person(s) who has been approved by the Principal and who will be accountable for the supervision of student passengers.  

No student will be allowed to drive to and from any school-sponsored or school-approved trip where transportation is provided by the District.

Transportation by parents, teachers, coaches, or other responsible adults (hereafter referred to as “the driver”) for school-sponsored trips is discouraged and may only be allowed if absolutely necessary. Before such transportation takes place, written permission of the Superintendent must be obtained, a signed permission slip and hold harmless agreement must be received from each student's parent or guardian, and a copy of the driver’s New York State Insurance Identification Card and driver’s license must be on file in the school office. A copy of this policy must be given to the driver. 

If there is any matter of liability, insurance covering the driver’s vehicle and all insurance covering the driver will be held as primary insurance.  

Neither parents nor teachers may drive a school vehicle unless they are properly certified by the New York State Department of Transportation and a copy of their certification is on file with the District.

Where the District provides transportation for students to a school-sponsored trip, extracurricular activity, or any other similar event, the District will provide transportation back to either the point of departure or to the appropriate school in the District unless:


1. the student’s parent/guardian provides the District with prior written notice authorizing an alternative form of returning transportation for such student; or

2. intervening circumstances make such transportation impractical, in which case a representative of the District will remain with the student until the student’s parent/guardian has been contacted and informed of the intervening circumstances and the student is delivered to or picked up by their parent/guardian.

A District employee may transport a student in a private vehicle only in an emergency upon approval of the Superintendent or designee.

Adopted date:   December 1, 1995

Amended date: November 17, 2003

Amended date: January 28, 2019

Amended date: October 2, 2023

Amended date: January 8, 2024

Amended date: April 15, 2024