
 School-Wide Pre Referral Approaches and Interventions

The provision of academic and behavioral supports and targeted interventions for students who are not making academic progress at expected levels in the general curriculum may improve a student’s performance and help avert the need for referral for possible classification as a student with a disability. Therefore, the District will implement, on a school-wide basis, practices appropriate to enable the District’s students to succeed in the general education environment.  These school-wide approaches will serve as pre-referral interventions prior to consideration of a referral to the Committee on Special Education (CSE). The referral form to the CSE used by District staff will describe, in writing, the intervention services and programs used to remediate the student’s performance, or instructional methodologies, including any supplementary aids or support services provided, or the reasons why no such attempts were made.

The Superintendent or designee will identify and take steps to implement a variety of practices appropriate to comply with this policy. Consistent with applicable law and regulation, those practices may include, for example:

These services may be provided before, during, or after the school day, or in the summer. 

District implementation of any of the above practices will not impede or delay the appropriate evaluation of a student suspected of having a disability, and the student’s right to a free appropriate public education.

Cross-ref: 4325, Academic Intervention Services

Ref:     Individuals with Disabilities Education Act §§ 1413(f); 1414(b)(6)(B)

34 CFR §§ 300.226; 300.307(a)(2)

    8 NYCRR §§ 100.2(ii); 200.2(b)(7)

Adoption date: September 26, 2016

Amended date: November 20, 2023