
 Use of Time Out Rooms and Physical Restraints

The use of a time out room or physical restraint will be in conformance with federal and state law and a student’s Individual Education Program (IEP), as applicable. This policy will apply to all students when they exhibit challenging behaviors that impede learning and pose concern for the physical safety of the student or others.

The District will utilize positive, proactive, evidence- and research-based strategies, such as intervention and prevention procedures and de-escalation techniques, through a multi-tiered system of supports, in an effort to reduce the occurrence of challenging behaviors, eliminate the need to use time out rooms and physical restraint, and improve school climate and the safety of students.  

Time out and physical restraint will not be used as discipline or punishment, retaliation, or as a substitute for strategies designed to change, modify, replace, or eliminate a targeted behavior.

Time out and physical restraint will be used for the least amount of time necessary, generally only until the student has de-escalated, can return to their educational program, and no longer poses a risk of injury to themselves or others.

Time Out Room

A time out room is an area for a student to safely de-escalate, regain control, and prepare to meet expectations to return to their educational program. The room will only be used in conjunction with a Behavioral Intervention Plan, as part of the student’s IEP, or when a student must be removed from a potentially dangerous situation or an unanticipated situation that poses an immediate concern for the physical safety of the student or others. The room will provide a supervised area in order to facilitate self-control, or to ensure the safety of a student(s) or others. The location, size, and access to the time out room will be in conformance with applicable laws and regulations. The Director of Pupil Personnel Services/designee will be responsible for the development and implementation of regulations covering the use of a time out room, as well as monitoring compliance with those regulations.

Timeout does not include:

1. a student-initiated or student-requested break to utilize coping skills, sensory input, or self-regulation strategies;

2. use of a room or space containing coping tools or activities to assist a student to calm and self-regulate, or the use of 

such intervention strategies consistent with a student with a disability’s behavioral intervention plan; or

3. a teacher removal, in-school suspension, or any other appropriate disciplinary action.

The Director of Pupil Personnel Services/designee will inform parents prior to the initiation of a behavioral intervention plan that will incorporate the use of a time out room. Upon request, the parent will be shown the space that will be utilized. In addition, the parent will be provided a copy of or electronic access to this policy.

Physical Restraint

Physical restraint will only be used during a situation when no other approach would be effective in maintaining a safe environment for the student and/or others. Staff will not use physical restraint as a substitute for systematic intervention to modify inappropriate behavior. Staff who may be called upon to physically restrain a student will be  trained on safe and effective ways to do so. Physical restraint may be used in an emergency where no other approach would be effective in controlling the student’s behavior.  

Parent/Guardian Notification

Whenever a student is placed in a time out room or physical restraint, the Principal or designee will notify the parent/guardian on the same day that it occurs via methods reasonably expected to reach parents/guardians (e.g., email, text, phone, apps, etc.). The notification will offer the parent/guardian the opportunity to meet regarding the incident. The parent/guardian will be provided with a copy of the documentation of the incident within three (3) school days of the use of time out or physical restraint.

Principals are responsible for establishing any building-level procedures necessary to implement this policy, and for working collaboratively with any school or program where resident students are receiving services pursuant to an IEP or individualized education services program (IESP).  If the parent cannot be contacted (including if the District does not receive a response) after reasonable attempts are made, the Principal will record the attempts to contact the parent/guardian and, for students with disabilities, will report such attempts to the CSE.


Training for staff on the policies and procedures related to the use of time out rooms, physical restraint, and related behavior management practices will be provided annually or more frequently, as needed. Key staff members in each building will be trained annually on nonviolent crisis intervention.


The District will document each incident of the use of time out and physical restraint, debrief following each incident, and review the documentation to monitor use of time out and physical restraint.

Prohibited Actions

Students may not be placed in a locked room or space in a room where the student cannot be continuously observed and supervised by school staff. Students may not be placed in a prone restraint (physical or mechanical restraint while the student is in a face down position).


District staff must report all allegations of corporal punishment, mechanical restraint and other aversive interventions, prone physical restraint, or seclusion to the Superintendent, who will investigate the allegations and determine if they are substantiated or unsubstantiated, and will compile reports annually.

Ref: 8 NYCRR 200.22

Adoption date: March 9, 2020

Amended date: August 28, 2023

Amended date: December 4, 2023