Organization of Responsibility

The following principles shall govern the administrative operation of the school system:

1. The Superintendent shall have specific responsibility for overseeing the District educational programs.

2. Responsibility shall flow from the Board, to the Superintendent, to Central Office Administrators, to Building Principals, to Assistant Principals, to teachers and other staff.

3. Each member of the staff shall be informed as to whom he/she is responsible for and what functions.

4. Whenever possible, each member of the staff shall be made responsible to only one immediate supervisor for any one function.

5. Each staff member shall be informed as to whom he/she can appeal in case of disagreement with an immediate superior.

6. Each staff member shall be informed as to whom he/she should report to for help in carrying out his/her functions.

Line of Responsibility

Each employee in the school system shall be responsible to the Board through the Superintendent.

All personnel shall refer matters requiring administrative action to the administrative officer immediately in charge of the area in which the problem arises.

Administrative officers shall refer such matters to the next higher authority when deemed necessary.

Adoption date: December 1, 1995

Amended date: November 17, 2008

Amended date: June 19, 2017

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