Administrative Organization

The Superintendent is the chief executive officer of the District. During his/her absence, the Board designates an Assistant Superintendent to serve as Acting Superintendent.

All administrative and supervisory positions in the school system are initially established by the Board and/or by state law. The Board shall maintain a sufficient number of such positions to promote the attainment of the Districts goals.

When a position is created, the Board shall approve the broad purpose and functions of the position in harmony with state laws and regulations, approve a statement of job requirements as recommended by the Superintendent, and delegate to the Superintendent the task of developing a written job description for the position.

The Superintendent shall maintain an organization chart and a comprehensive, coordinated set of job descriptions for all such positions so as to promote efficiency and economy in the staff’s operations.

Adoption date: December 1, 1995

Amended date: November 17, 2008

Amended date: May 8, 2017

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