Goals and Objectives for Administration

The Board recognizes that proper administration is vital to a successful educational program. The Board expects the educational administration to direct, coordinate and supervise students and staff in their efforts to reach the goals and objectives adopted by the Board.

District administration is to be organized so that all divisions and departments of the central office and all schools operate within a system guided by Board policies, which are implemented through the Superintendent. All personnel will have the necessary authority and responsibility (clearly defined and correlated to their roles) to carry out their respective assignments within this framework. Accountability will rest with these same personnel for the effectiveness with which their duties are performed.

Major goals of District administration will be:

1. to effectively manage the District's various departments, units and programs;

2. to provide professional advice and counsel to the Board and to advisory groups established by Board action. This includes the review of policy alternatives and the subsequent recommendation from among them;

3. to perform managerial duties as will best assure effective learning programs, including but not limited to:

a. ensuring the effective implementation of Board policy;

b. addressing the on-site needs of the District's schools;

c. providing leadership in keeping abreast of current educational developments;

d. arranging for effective staff development programs;

e. coordinating cooperative efforts at improving learning programs, facilities, equipment and materials; and

f. keeping lines of communication of information necessary and useful in the design and development of school policy.


Education Law §§ 1604, 1711, 2507, 2508

Adoption date: December 1, 1995

Revised date: May 19, 2008

Amended date: May 8, 2017

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