Policy and Regulation Development, Adoption, Implementation, and Review

The Board is responsible for adopting and assessing the effectiveness of the written policies by which the District is governed. The Board recognizes that written policies are essential to District governance in that they:

  • Govern effectively and efficiently across time, situations, and individuals.

  • Provide the foundation and guidance for administrative action.

  • Publicize the federal, state, and local rules that govern the District.

Policy Development

The Board is committed to developing written policies which:

  • Clearly define the Board’s philosophy and reflect the District’s vision.

  • Define roles and responsibilities and identify the responsible individuals.

  • Provide the Superintendent and District staff with clear guidance regarding the operation of the District.

  • Allow for flexibility that is needed for day-to-day operations.

The Superintendent or his/her designee shall be responsible for submitting policy issues to the Policy Committee for consideration and for keeping a record of all policy initiatives submitted to the Policy Committee.

The Superintendent or his/her designee shall be responsible for preparing a written draft of all proposed policies for discussion and review by the Policy Committee and recommendation to the Board.

Policy Adoption and Amendment

Once a proposed policy has been drafted or amended, it shall be placed on the Board’s agenda for a first reading, giving persons interested an opportunity to express their views. The Board will not take official action on any policy on first reading, unless a majority of the Board decides that it is necessary or advisable to do so.

If the draft policy or amendment is acceptable or if it is not acted upon after the first reading, the draft policy or amendment will be placed on the Board’s next meeting agenda for a second reading, at which time the Board will officially act.

Editorial and reference changes to policies that do not affect the substance of the policy may be effected by the Policy Committee without action by the Board, but shall be subject to Board review. The Policy Committee can direct the District Clerk to make such changes before review by the Board.

The school attorney shall review every new policy or revision to an existing policy prior to the first reading by the Board.

Policy Implementation

The Superintendent shall be responsible for the execution, administration and enforcement of all policies of the District. This shall include promulgating any necessary administrative regulations, ensuring that the policy is included in the Board Policy Manual, and publicizing the policy as necessary to ensure that persons affected by the policy are made aware of it.

Policies shall be available, upon request, in the District office and on the District website where it will be available to the public.

Policy Dissemination

The Board recognizes the need for widespread familiarity with District policies and regulations, and therefore directs the Superintendent or his/her designee to implement the following:

  1. maintain an updated digital policy manual that includes appropriate administrative regulations and takes precedence over all previous manuals

  2. make available to each Board member access to the digital policy manual

  3. make available to personnel access to the the digital policy manual; and

  4. disseminate updated Board policies to affected personnel to all concerned.

Policy Review and Evaluation

The Board will evaluate the effectiveness of its policies and the manner in which they have been implemented by the administration.

The Board directs the Superintendent to bring to its attention any policy areas in need of review, revision or new development. The Board’s goal is to a review the Policy Manual over a period of three years to ensure that the manual is up-to-date and to ensure that the policies are consistent with Board goals and District practices.

Suspension of Policies

Upon majority vote, the Board may, where compelling reasons exist, suspend the operation of any policy provided the suspension does not conflict with law, and such suspension shall terminate at the next meeting of the Board.

Administration in Policy Absence

In emergency matters where action must be taken, but the Board has provided no guidelines for administrative action, the Superintendent shall have the power to act and shall report such action to the Board at its next regular meeting.


Development of Regulations

The Superintendent shall be responsible for developing and implementing regulations, where necessary, consistent with Board policies.

Administration in Policy Absence

In cases where administrative action is not expressly dictated by policies of the Board, the Superintendent may formulate regulations that shall be binding upon the employees and students of the District when issued, but shall be provided to the Board at its next Board meeting for review and recommendation.

Dissemination of Regulations

Regulations promulgated by the Superintendent shall be included in the District policy manual and disseminated in the same manner as Board policies.


Education Law §1604, 1709, 1711, 1804 (powers and duties of board of education)

Adoption date: December 1, 1995

Amended date: April 25, 2009

Amended date: November 13, 2017

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