
School Board Legal Status and Authority

The Board is a seven-member Board elected by District residents. Each member of the Board serves for three years. The terms of office of Board members shall not all expire in the same year. The Board is responsible for District governance, through delegable authority, and for policy-making.

The legal status of the Board is that of a corporate body established pursuant to the laws of New York State. Any liability of the District is a liability of the Board of Education as a corporation and not that of the individual Board members.

The Board  has legal authority for the conduct of the District schools only when acting as a body at a properly convened meeting. Board members acting as individuals  have no authority over personnel or school affairs.

Members of the Board are free to speak as individuals outside of Board meetings but such public expression is not to be construed as Board policy.  The Board will not be bound in any way by any individual Board member’s statement or action unless the Board, through an adopted policy or by a majority vote of Board membership, has delegated this authority to the individual member.

Information from executive sessions must remain confidential at all times. 

The Board is entrusted with the responsibility of developing policies under which the District is governed. Comments affecting policy will be routed through regular channels to the policy committee for consideration and recommendation. In addition, the Board has all the powers and duties stated in the Education Law and other applicable New York State law.

Complete and final authority on all District educational matters, except as restricted by law, will be vested in the Board. 

Ref: Education Law §§1604; 1604-a; 1701; 1702; 1703; 1708; 1709; 1710, 1804(1); 2101(2); 2105

Adoption date:  December 1, 1995 

Amended date:  October 15, 2007

Reviewed date: January 11, 2016

Amended date: April 24, 2017

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