
Staff Participation in Political Activities

District employees have the same constitutionally protected rights to speak and act on matters of public concern as any other citizens. However, these rights are not unlimited when the speech or action takes place during school time and/or on school grounds. In such cases, the Board can impose reasonable restrictions on time, place, and manner of speech or action. The Board may impose consequences if the content of speech or actions significantly threaten the efficient operation of the schools or conflict with the educational mission of the District, as set forth by the Board.

It is the responsibility of the District to ensure that the focus of students, while in the classroom and other instructional settings, is upon learning within the parameters of the curriculum. Employees of the District may not engage in political activity on school property, during school hours, or use District property or facilities to promote their personal political views or their opinions on matters of public concern, and they may not exploit students for their own political advantage or that of a party, candidate, or cause. 

Adoption date:  December 1, 1995

Amended date: June 12, 2006

Amended date: October 30, 2017

Amended date: January 22, 2024