Civility and Decorum

Standards of Civility:

All schools should be places where mutual respect is practiced and reinforced. It is the policy of the District to promote an environment in which all members of the school community treat each other civilly, with courtesy and respect in all contacts, whether direct or indirect.

The District does not intend this policy to deprive any person of their First Amendment right to freedom of speech or expression. Rather, it seeks to maintain an environment in which people can feel safe, secure and mutually respected.

Expected Behavior:

The District expects a standard of civility in words and actions whereby all administrative, professional and classified staff, all students, parents, board members, visitors and other members of the school community interact in a courteous, respectful manner. The District recognizes that disagreements may occur, and members of the school community remain free to express their views. Rather, this expectation relates to the manner in which people communicate and interact with each other. Disrespectful, rude, abusive or intolerant behavior or language erodes education, is unacceptable and such behavior shall be addressed when it occurs.

Unacceptable Behavior:

Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to, disruptive, demeaning or antagonistic behavior at school, at school-related meetings, at school-sponsored events and activities or on digital or social media sites that interfere with or disrupt the educational environment, meetings or events or the participation at such meetings and events. The following are examples of such behavior:

  • Using loud and/or offensive language, making libelous statements, displays of temper, speaking in an insulting or demeaning manner, through personal actions, spoken words, graphic representations or in writing including electronic or digital format.

  • Threatening or intimidating administrative, professional and classified staff, students, parents, board members, visitors and other members of the school community.

  • Behaving in a physically or verbally intimidating manner.

  • Damaging or destroying school property or the property of others on school premises or at school events.

  • Sending or posting abusive, threatening or obscene letters, e-mails or other electronic/digital messages or voice messages.

Any person who exhibits unacceptable behavior may be directed to leave the premises and if they are uncooperative and refuse to do so, they shall be subject to ejection and the police will be called. In addition, their authorization to remain upon the grounds or other property of the District shall be withdrawn.

In addition, if a faculty member or other staff member, they may be subject to disciplinary action as prescribed by and in accordance with applicable law and any applicable collectively negotiated agreement.

Cross Ref:

0115, Student Harassment and Bullying Prevention and Intervention

1230, Public Participation at Board Meetings

5300, Code of Conduct

Adoption date: November 16, 2009

Reviewed date: November 23, 2015

Amended date: June 19, 2017

Amended date: September 13, 2021

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