
News Media Relations

The Board and Superintendent will make reasonable efforts to cooperate with the media by providing accurate information about District operations, to the extent permissible by statute and regulation. 

The Board President is designated as the spokesperson for the Board when the Board is making a statement on an issue. No other member of the Board individually will speak for, or in the name of, the Board unless by explicit direction of the Board. Board members should emphasize to the media when asked to speak as a Board member that they can only speak as private citizens unless they have been empowered by the Board to speak for it.

The Superintendent is designated as the spokesperson for the District.  

All staff intending to release information to the media should first notify the Superintendent. The Superintendent will establish necessary procedures to govern interactions between the schools and the news media.

If a Board member chooses to maintain a social media presence, the Board member will make no representation that they are speaking on behalf of the Board.

Cross-ref:  4525, Responsible Use for Technology

    YCSD Social Media Responsible Use Guidelines for Employees

Ref:   Arts and Cultural Affairs Law §61.09

Adoption date:  November 23, 2015

Amended date: June 19, 2017

Amended date: January 22, 2024