Chrome Extensions

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Session Description

Learn about some very handy Chrome Apps and Extensions to make the most out of your time and efficiently complete typical daily tasks of an educator. A list will be created and presented, and this working sheet will be added to throughout the conference and into the future.


  • Chrome extensions are just that, extensions of the Chrome browser. These can be downloaded and enabled through the Chrome Web Store. Hint: it’s important to read the reviews and details of an extension before you enable it. Malware can be attached to extensions.
  • Apps on the other hand, are stand alone applications and run separately, or point to a website. These can be downloaded from the Chrome Web Store, or Google Drive connected apps. (In Drive, select New, More and then +Connect More Apps)
  • Add-ons are extras that integrate well with Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Forms and Slides. To install Add-ons, open a Google Doc, Sheet, Slide or Form and select Add-ons from the top of the screen and select Get Add-ons… (Just click the plus sign on the right menu bar in Gmail)

Session Resources:

Resources from Other Presenters: