
Due to the current situation in Spain, our partners in the conference are unable to travel to the UK. With the PDLT team making preparations to support colleagues to work online, this event is now postponed until further notice. Thank you for your responses and we look forward to seeing you when the event is run later in the year.

23 March - Supporting online learners, accessibility needs.

This session is aimed at Student Success staff and any tutors interested in discussing ways to support learner needs.

  • How the institutions work to ensure the success of

    • all online and blended learning students

    • students with accessibility or other needs (visually-impaired, aspergers, etc)

  • Strategies for supporting students

  • Strategies for adapting materials

This will be a round table discussion. Lunch is provided at 12pm.

10-12pm, H/G/09.

UX workshop - accessibility testing on university services

24 March - Academic data analysis, learning analytics - technical session

This session is aimed at ESG, IT staff and any academics who are interested in the field of learning analytics.

The IOC have developed a web application to process and analyze academic and satisfaction data of about 9000 students. They are currently working on the students' interaction with their campus. In addition, they are working on machine learning applications to define patterns and predictive models about these data.

We welcome contributions from all staff who are attending. Lunch is provided at 12pm.

10-12pm, PZA106/107.

24 March - Academic data analysis, learning analytics - pedagogy session

This session is aimed at any academics or technical staff who are interested in the use of of learning analytics to inform programme design and student success.

We look at the different ways in which learning can be supported or re-designed by analysing the patterns that exist in the way students access their learning resources. How can we turn this information into a feed forward exercise for students and how will this affect their achievement?

We welcome contributions from all staff who are attending. Lunch is provided before the session at 12pm.

1pm-3pm, PZA106/107.

25 March - Online learning design

This session is aimed at anyone interested in the design and delivery of online learning programmes.

From the choice of platforms and tools we use, to the design, creation and running of online learning activities. See two of our Future Teacher webinars for the possible discussion points: Designing for Technology Enhanced Programmes and Designing and Creating Online Learning Activities.

We welcome contributions from all staff who are attending. Lunch is provided at 1pm.

11am-1pm, PZA/129.

26 March - Visit to MyKnowledgeMap, York

A visit has been arranged for our visitors to MKM in York. You are welcome to join them to find out more about how an IT company runs and recruits. What skills are they looking for in our graduates?

Time: 9.30am - 12.30pm

Fill in the form below to book your place, or open the form in a new window.