FoCSSy people (Staff, PG Reseachers)

George Tsoulas

Norman Yeo

I am a syntactician with a serious interest in semantics. My primary interest lies in formal approaches to grammatical variation and the syntax–semantics interface. Some of areas that I've worked on include interrogatives, quantification, the syntax and semantics of language contact (in Singapore English and related varieties), elements of Chinese syntax (A-not-A, non-canonical wh-constructions, ba-constructions, serial verbs), and agreement systems.

Nina Radkevich

Awais Hussain

PhD (working) title:  Split-Ergativity and Pronominal Clitics in Pahari-Pothwari

I am Awais and I'm just starting my PhD journey! My research interests include the morphosyntax and typology of Indo-Aryan and South-Asian languages, with a focus on Pahari-Pothwari and the Lahnda/Western Punjabi language family. I am interested in investigating negation, variable word order, case/tense/aspect, dialect variation, and much more!

Victoria Noble

PhD (working) title:  The Singulative: Comparative Syntax and Crosslinguistic Semantics

About: I'm Vic! I'm in my final year of my PhD. I work on mass, count, and individuation, with a special focus on the singulative/collective systems in Welsh and Arabic.

Lirong Liang

PhD (working) title: A study of surpass comparative and experiential aspect in Mandarin Chinese

About: My study aims to compare two constructions in Mandarin Chinese which share similar features in their syntax and semantics. This study will build upon the observation that comparatives often appear after the experiential aspect in the verbal domain historically and argue that there is a deep connection between two constructions, comparatives and experientials, and the similarities in these two constructions originate from the semantics of these two constructions. 

Shiyang Fu

PhD (working) title: An investigation of extractions from coordination: Cases from ATB and asymmetric extraction

About: I am Shiyang Fu, a 3rd year PhD candidate in the department of Language and linguistic Science. I am specialized in Formal Syntax and Semantics, with a particular interest in Coordinate Structure and Extraction from coordinate structure.

Aknan Sindi

PhD (working) title:  The Syntax of Exceptive Constructions in Arabic 

About: A PhD student at the University of York and  a lecturer at Taif University. I’m working currently on the syntax of exceptive constructions in Arabic. My PhD thesis aims to contribute to the existing research by tackling syntactic issues relevant to these constructions, including the categorial status of the excpetive markers ‘illa’, ‘ɣayr’ and ‘siwa’ among others, their relation to the host sentence, and the case assigned to their complements. 

Kara Rancourt

PhD (working) title:  An analysis of the Chinese plural marker -men

Lu Jin

PhD (working) title: Chinese Measure Phrases: Syntactic Analysis and Semantic Composition

Jiatian Sun

PhD working title: The analysis of relative clauses

About: I am Jiatian Sun from the department of language and linguistic science. My work focuses on the syntactic structure of relative clauses, trying to generalize the resumption and wh in the relativization.

Emma Smith

Dawhah Alruyani 

FoCSSy cubs (PG and UG students)