Image for TOMOrrow Laboratory

Dental x-ray imaging

panorama, cephalo, dental CT

Phase-contrast X-ray imaging

Our laboratory is researching phase contrast x-ray imaging, a technique for imaging with the phase difference of x-rays.

Image reconstruction

Compressed-sensing, AI-based 3D/4D image reconstruction


Image processing

Denoising, deblurring, dehazing

News & Notice

[2023.07] Lab workshop in Danang
[2023.06] iWoRiD 2023
[2023.05] SORMA 2023
[2023.02]  AOCR  2023
[2023.01]  CGIP 2023
[2023.01]  IFMIA 2023
[2022.11]  KARP 2022
[2022.11]  IEEE  2022
[2022.7]  ECR 2022
[2022.7]  AAPA 2022
[2022.6]  iWoRiD 2022
[2022.5]  Lab workshop
[2022.3]  KIMES 2022
[2021.12] RSNA 2021
[2021.7]  JPI  health  care kick-off
[2021.6 ~ 7] IEIE 2021

