Dae-Won Lee
I am currently a research fellow at Ewha Womans University
Research interest : Birational geometry, Minimal model program, Derived category
Email : daewonlee@ewha.ac.kr
Research interest
Current interest : Algebraic geometry (Birational geometry, Minimal model program, Derived category, etc.)
Previous interest : Graph theory
2023 Mar - present : postdoc in Ewha Womans University
2016 Sep - 2023 Feb : Ph.D. Mathematics (advisor : Sung Rak Choi),
Yonsei university, Republic of Korea
2011 Mar - 2015 Aug : B.S. Chemical engineering,
Sungkyunkwan university, Republic of Korea
BK21 Poster presentation 최우수상 in 2021, Yonsei university
Sungkyun family award (성균가족상 - 우수상) in 2014, Sungkyunkwan university
Publications on Algebraic geometry
Characterizations of Fano type varieties and projective spaces via absolute complexity, Manuscripta Math. volume 174, pages 731-747, (2024).
Classification of full exceptional collections on smooth toric Fano varieties with Picard rank two, Adv. Geom. vol. 23, no. 1, (2023), 25-49.
On the classification of algebraic varieties via derived category and complexity, Thesis, Yonsei university, 2023.
Preprints on Algebraic geometry
Plc pairs with good asymptotic base loci (with S. Choi and S. Jang), arXiv:2411.04628, submitted
On minimal model program and Zariski decomposition of potential triples (with S. Choi and S. Jang), arXiv:2502.00790, submitted
Publications on Graph theory and Discrete mathematics
Characteristics of common neighborhood graph under graph operations and on Cayley graphs (with Shaban Sedghi and Nabi Shobe), Iran. J. Math. Sci. Inform.15(2) (2020) 13-20.
Set-valued mapping and rough probability (with Shaban Sedghi, Nabi Shobe and Siamak Firouzian), Math. Sci. Lett. 7(1) (2018) 55-59.
Vertex version of Co-PI index of Titania nanotubes(TiO2) (with Mehdi Rezaei, Mohammad R. Farahani, Muhammad K. Jamil and Kashif Ali), Adv. Apple. Math. Sci. 15(8) (2016) 255-262.
Zagreb indices of a graph and its common neighborhood graph (with Shaban Sedghi and Nabi Shobe), Malaya J. Math. 4(3) (2016) 468-475.
The Ediz eccentric connectivity index of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHk (with Muhammad K. Jamil, Mohammad R. Farahani and Hafiz M. Rehman), Sch. J. Eng. Tech. 4(3) (2016) 148-152.
Computing the Cluj-Ilmenau index of V-Phenylenic nanotubes and nanotori (with Mohammad R. Farahani, Muhammad Imran and M.R. Rajesh Kanna), Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences, 6(2) (2016) 521-528.
Vertex version of PI index of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHk (with Mohammad R. Farahani, Hafiz M. Rehman and Muhammad K. Jamil), The Pharmaceutical and Chemical Journal, 3(1) (2016) 138-141.
Some lower and upper bounds on the third ABC index, AKCE Int. J. Graphs Comb. 13(1) (2016) 11-15.
Some lower and upper bounds of the fifth Geometric-Arithmetic index, Appl. Math. Comp. Sci. 5(1) (2013) 269-275.
Upper and lower bounds of the fourth Geometric-Arithmetic index, AKCE Int. J. Graphs Comb. 10(1) (2013) 69-76.
Lower and upper bounds of Zagreb eccentricity indices of unicyclic graph, Adv. Appl. Math. Sci. 12(7) (2013) 403-410.
Some properties of the Zagreb eccentricity indices (with Kinkar Ch. Das and Ante Graovac), Ars. Math. Contemp. 6(1) (2013) 117-125.
This is the list of conferences/seminars that I would attend or have attended.
(*=speaker, **=poster, #=organizer)
2025 Pohang Worshop on Birational Geometry, IBS-CGP, March 24 - 28
Winter school on K-stability, CIRM, March 3 - 7
Conference - Affine geometry and Birational geometry, February 9 - 13 in 강릉*
Workshop on Fano spherical varieties, Yonsei University, February 3 - 7
2024 Symposium in Algebraic Geometry, Busan, December 26 - 28
Conference on Recent Progress in Algebraic Geometry, November 4 - 8 in 강릉
Summer mini-school on algebraic geometry, IBS-CGP, August 20 - 23
Joint workshop on Algebraic and Complex Geometry, Pusan National University, July 22 - 25
School and workshop on Moduli, K-trivial varieties, and related topics, IBS-CCG, February 21 - 29
Conference on Singularity and Birational Geometry, Yonsei University, January 17 - 19 & 22 - 26
Higher-dimensional Algebraic Geometry, UCSD, January 10 - 14
2023 Symposium in Algebraic Geometry, Busan, January 3 - 5*
Stability and Enumerative Geometry Workshop, University of Oslo, December 11 - 15
Birational Geometry and Algebraic Dynamics, University of Tokyo, November 27 - December 1
Fano varieties, their Geometry and Moduli, KIAS, October 30 - November 3
International workshop on Birational Geometry, Nagoya University, October 10 - 13
A Journey through Algebraic and Complex Geometry, September 11 - 15 in 부여 **
Conferences on Derived Categories and Singularities in Algebraic Geometry, August 15 - 18 in 강릉 *
GAeL XXX, University of Warwick, July 3 - 7
Workshop on moduli spaces, virtual invariants and shifted symplectic structures, KIAS, June 20 - 23
Exploring Algebraic Geometry & Topology, May 30 - June 1 in 양평 #
Workshop on Moduli, K-stability, Fano varieties, and related topics, IBS-CCG, May 15 - 19
2023 KMS Spring Meeting, April 27 - 29 in 대전 *
JJAG 3 (JeonJu Algebraic Geometry 3), JeonJu University, April 18 - 21*
Budding workshop in Algebraic Geometry, March 30 - April 1 in 동탄 *