
Careers Wales provide the all age, independent and impartial careers information, advice and guidance service for Wales. We deliver independent and impartial careers information, advice and guidance (CIAG) at our centres, in schools, online as well as over the phone and via social media. There is a designated Career adviser linked to each school in Wales to support the school and students and to co-ordinate all career related activity.

Career decisions are among the most important people make throughout their lives and careers information, advice and guidance can help to:

§   Improve knowledge and awareness of learning opportunities and the labour market

§   Improve self-awareness, raise individual aspirations and support people to make effective decisions about their careers

§   Increase access to, and completion of, learning and training

§   Motivate people to manage their careers, improve application and interview skills and be resilient in adapting their plans when circumstances change

§   Address inequality by focusing on the needs of groups who are under-represented in employment, learning or training and by challenging stereotyping

§   Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the labour market, for example by improving the match between supply of, and demand for, skills.

We also work with partners to deliver a range of related services, including:

Supporting schools to engage with employers to improve students understanding of the work of work. This is achieved through universal services like large scale careers fairs, through digital approaches including employer led webinars, as well as a range of bespoke activities and events. We also provide schools with access to a national database of employers called Education Business Exchange providing support to schools and colleges, through consultancy meetings and bespoke training, to enhance their Careers and work related experiences in the Curriculum.

Please see contact details and useful career and web resources to

support Ysgol Harri Tudur Learners below:

CW website pages for school websites 2023-24.pdf