
可參考2024.5.10  ICRT News for Kids:  

Do More Things by Yourself!


ICRT: “Do More Things by Yourself!" (05/10/2024)

Prompt for video submission:

Doing things by yourself is not always easy. However, there is a lot you can learn by doing things on your own and spending time with yourself.

Questions for students:

 • What is something you like to do by yourself?

 • Why do you enjoy doing this thing by yourself?

 • What is one thing you recommend people try out on their own?


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113.05.06-05.17 徵稿獲選名單及作品集

主辦單位 : 嘉義縣政府教育處      /   承辦單位 :  嘉義縣英語暨雙語教學資源中心嘉義縣文光國際英語村