
Book Recommendation by Ms Fok Yee Ki


The older we get, the busier our work becomes, making it harder to find simple happiness. In the midst of our daily hustle and bustle, we often forget about the simplest joys and don't know how to make ourselves happy. However, there is a book that can help us find inner peace. This book is about understanding ourselves, learning to laugh at ourselves, and forgiving ourselves. At the same time, it explores the harmony of nature's laws, allowing us to align ourselves with the natural world and rediscover our true selves.


I recommend this book to my fellow students as each chapter is short and the writing is easy to comprehend. Personally, I really enjoy reading simple articles that I can finish quickly, yet they inspire me and bring a smile to my face. By reading a chapter and having a good laugh every day, even amidst the heavy pressures of exams, you can find relaxation and relief. So, if you have the opportunity, I encourage all of you to borrow and read this book.
