Religion Department

Sacred Heart CHS

Overview of the Program

Religious education addresses how students view themselves and others in their social and religious contexts. In turn, this helps students understand and respond to the world around them. Religious education courses help students become self-motivated problem solvers equipped with the skills and knowledge that will enable them to face their changing world with confidence. This is accomplished through practical experience, discussion, debate, research, reflection, prayer and discernment, and the development of critical and creative thinking skills

All courses in Religious Education are characterized by the following five big ideas:

  • Religious Knowledge and Literacy includes teaching, understanding and using appropriately the language of the faith and Tradition

  • Catholic-Christian Anthropology includes the understanding of the Catholic Tradition regarding what it means to be human/a person

  • Theological Reflection includes the Christian/human search for meaning and understanding of life in the context of our relationship with God

  • Living Moral Lives includes developing one’s conscience in order that sound moral choices and judgments in both the personal and social spheres of life can be made

  • Celebrating in the Faith Community includes the various ways the Church expresses its faith in worship and prayer, primarily to the actions that demonstrate thankful awareness of God’s presence in the world

The major areas of study in Religious Education courses in Catholic secondary schools are organized into six distinct but related strands, which usually will be integrated in a variety of teaching strategies. These strands do not represent discrete units of study. They are expressed in such a manner as to suggest a variety of ways to integrate themes. They are Scripture, Profession of Faith, Christian Moral Development, Prayer and Sacramental Life, Family Life Education, Research and Inquiry Skills.

Source: Secondary Religious Education Curriculum, 2016

This is only a sample of the art work from some of the talented students enrolled in the HRE2O2 course (religion-art).

Watch this video to learn more about our department, courses, and other aspects of our programming.

Copy of religion open house video.mp4