XISS in partnership with UNICEF, Jharkhand

To the success of the first two phases of the project, XISS and UNICEF are dedicated, committed and responsible to continue the partnership and has been partnered for next eleven month – 2023 -24. “The technical support to strengthen SBCC at 12 districts with their SBCC DPCs deputed to improve COVID vaccination and entering into more deep rooted social issues like - Ending child marriage (ECM), Ending violence against children (EVAC), Nutrition Mission and RMNCH+A and Routine immunization" is the goal of Sampark III – SBCC project (Phase III).

Supported Components

 Strengthening Vaccine Promotion

Strengthening Covid 19 vaccines

While the vaccine is an important part of COVID-19 protection, it is important to emphasize the continued practice of COVID Appropriate Behaviours or CAB, even after getting vaccinated. Therefore, promoting and sustaining CAB is vital This year also it will important to focus on strengthening the practice and getting full coverage of vaccination dosage as well as booster dose in the difficult areas too. As a result, it should be in a saturation of the covered areas.

Mask Use

Handwashing with soap/ use hand sanitizer

2 Gaj ki Doori

Prompt Testing

Prompt Self Isolation


India’s Reproductive, Maternal, New-born, Child, and Adolescent Health (RMNCH+A) & Regular Immunization strategy is unique as it recognized the fact that maternal and child health cannot be improved in isolation and need to be effectively weaved with adolescent, family planning and nutrition-based interventions.

The ‘Plus’ within the strategy focused on a continuum of care with linkages between the interventions targeted at various stages of the life cycle from new-born to the reproductive age, with a focus on adolescence as a distinct life stage.  This year it has been focussed on “Measles & Rubella (MR) campaign”, refers to a mass vaccination campaign organized to introduce a MR vaccine. MR vaccination campaign targets a wide age group of children (9 months to <15 years). The periodicity depends on the routine immunization (RI) coverage, existence of pockets of unprotected children and considering vaccine efficacy. Through communication plan the DPCs along with the stakeholders support they will be the key person to take the drive-in awareness, information, electronic communication methods in the community to encourage immunization of the children. the periodic follow-up of the campaign drives in between 3 - 5 years interval.

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RMNCH+A &RI Strategy

Source: WHO

Regular Immunization of children

Nutrition Mission/ Poshan 2.0

Nutrition Cycle

Poshan 2.0

Providing accessible, affordable, and accountable quality health care to its people particularly in the remote and difficult areas have been priorities. The Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan 2.0 is a strategic shift in mission mode to develop practices that nurture health, wellness and community from malnutrition. The Anganwadi services scheme for adolescent girls and Poshan Abhiyan have been aligned under it. Behavioural change at individual and community level is an important component to achieve the desired goals of a Kuposhan-mukt Bharat. Every year, Poshan Pakhwada is celebrated in the month of March for 15 days. Similarly, the month of September is celebrated as Rastriya Poshan Maah, across the country. The DPCs will ensure and update implementation of communication plans DPCs, will be involved in health interventions of “Poshan Pakhwada”, convergence celebration with all the stakeholders to organize in the districts. The program supported by XISS – UNICEF and the government initiatives of health departments. Another one is “Poshan Mah” main agenda of the would be on women’s health and child's education. The DPCs will be the key person responsible who will support, facilitate, and actively participate in the communication plan and link with other stakeholders to aware. the existing government initiatives to fulfil the program participation. The motive of these intervention has only one strive to take advantages of the program. the Nutrition component of the project endeavours to be aware, protect and take care. Nutritional care practice, WASH will be every day SBCC practices to get aware and adapt a habit in the community.

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Ending Child Marriage -'leave no child behind’

The Ministry of Women and Child Development, (MWCD, GOI) is the nodal ministry for ensuring welfare of children. Schemes being implemented under the Ministry namely,

The Mission Vatsalya was initiated in 2021 -22 centrally sponsored scheme as a roadmap to achieve development and child protection priorities aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It lays weight on child rights, advocacy, and awareness along with strengthening of the juvenile justice care and protection system with the motto to 'leave no child behind'.

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 Ending Child Marriage

Ending Violence Against Children (EVAC Act)

Ending Violence Against Children (EVAC)

Violence against Children (VAC) are the essence of UNICEF India’s Country Programme. UNICEF seeks to step up actions to prevent violence from occurring and better support for children who are survivors of violence and abuse. The proposed End Violence Against Children (EVAC) Strategy cuts across sectors and maximizes the convening capacity of UNICEF to support government, unite civil society, the private sector and development partners in a joint effort to end violence against children. The Strategy was finalized at the time when the country and the world was leading a global fight against the COVID19 pandemic, the Strategy also reflects on the impact of public health crisis on VAC. The three key areas of the proposed EVAC Strategy are aligned to the UNICEF Global TOC for EVAC. 

This proposed strategy will be initiating in SBCC project (phase III) and work in broader concepts in communication campaign that can create awareness in overall situation.

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