January 2021

EthnoArts: Helping Communities Reach Their Goals Through the Arts

EthnoArts: Helping Communities Reach Their Goals Through the Arts

Art speaks to a person’s heart just like their language does. And that’s why EthnoArts is a part of the work of Bible translation.

But what exactly is it and why is EthnoArts critical to communities receiving a newly translated Bible?

Join Chris Gassler as he shares the three driving principles for healthy and effective EthnoArts, which enable a community to engage deeper in Bible translation and biblical transformation.

Chris and his wife Lori have served with Wycliffe for 10 years. Chris has primarily served as an arts consultant in Cameroon and EthnoArts coordinator for African countries. Chris started his career as a classically trained trombone player and university instructor.

Click here to watch the recorded webinar