Catching Rainbows


Procedure 1: Walking Rainbow

Walking Rainbows
Walking Rainbows Record sheet

Procedure 2:

Rainbow Marker Coffee Filter Experiment

Procedure 3: Catching Rainbows

Catching Rainbows


Walking Rainbow

Marker Rainbow


Walking Rainbows

Turn this demonstration into a true experiment by varying the water level {volume} you start with and seeing how long it takes the water to reach the empty glass.

Or start with the same volume of colored water and change the brand, type {single vs double ply, quilted vs not} or length of paper towel to see how long it takes for the water to “walk” to the empty glass.

You could even use the same volume of water, same length and brand of paper towel but vary the height of the filled glass, by raising them up on books, to see how that affects the speed of the water as it “walks” to the empty glass.

Try using other paper products to see how the type of paper effects the results. Try toilet paper, printer paper, newspaper, or a page from a glossy magazine. What do you predict will happen?