Math Skills



Children learn math at this level by using a multi-sensory approach. The children gradually move from the realm of concrete experiences to more abstract tasks as they gain an understanding of such areas as number groups, geometry, measurement, and basic problem solving. Children are also exposed to basic mathematical concepts and skills. Presently, the district uses the MathConnects program. The goals for kindergarten are:

Represent, compare, and order whole numbers:

  • understand one to one relationship
  • write numerals to represent quantities
  • create sets and order numbers (cardinal and ordinal/sequential)
  • recognize, count, and write numbers to 50
  • demonstrate an understanding of whole number place value concepts (one, tens, and hundreds)
  • understand that numbers have a variety of uses
  • recognize and count coins (penny, nickel, and dime)

Join and separate sets:

  • count and produce sets of given sizes
  • count the number in combined sets (addition and subtraction)
  • construct and solve simple addition and subtraction sentences
  • count backwards from 10


  • introduce the idea of making a prediction of a set of items

Describe shapes and space:

  • make connections between physical world and geometric shapes and use vocabulary
  • name and describe a variety of simple shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon, and trapezoid)
  • use geometric shapes to model and construct objects in their environment
  • name and describe three dimensional shapes (sphere, cube, and cylinder)
  • introduce and identify instances of line symmetry
  • introduce how to combine simple shapes to make other simple shapes

Integrate understanding of geometry, measurement, and number:

  • inside/outside, left/right, above/below, and between
  • give and follow directions for getting from one point to another

Use of measurable attributes:

  • compare and order objects length and weight
  • recognize the need for uniform unit of measure
  • use appropriate standard units of measure such as length (inch and foot) and time (hour)

Introduce use of data:

  • sort and classify objects according to attributes
  • collect, sort and organize, record, construct, analyze, and interpret data from everyday experiences and from chance devices (spinners, dice, etc.)
  • use vocabulary (greater than/less than/equal to, least/most/same, etc.) when analyzing and interpreting data
  • Starts and stops on a signal (e.g., freezing in position when the music stops)

Patterns and Equations:

  • recognize, describe, extend, duplicate, and create patterns
  • recognize and describe changes over time (temperature, height, etc.)
  • construct and solve simple addition and subtraction sentences
  • introduce pictorial models of function machines