Mr. Michael Lipnick

Instrumental Music Teacher 3rd-5th Grade: Jessie F. George and Washington School

Upcoming Concerts


1st-3rd grade Music in Our School Concert: March 19th, Tuesday @ 9:30 AM (Dress Rehearsal 3/18)

4th and 5th Grade Band and Chorus Concert: June 12th, Wednesday @ 9:30 AM  (Dress Rehearsal 6/11)


1st-3rd grade Music in Our School Concert: March 22nd, Friday @ 9:30 AM  (Dress Rehearsal 3/21)

4th and 5th Grade Band and Chorus Concert: June 14th, Friday @ 9:30 AM  (Dress Rehearsal 6/13)

When renting an instrument,  we will need


 Mr. Lipnick

4th/5th Grade Instrumental Music and 3rd Grade Recorders

Washington School (201)664-6440 ext. 7117

George School (201)664-3033 ext. 5109