How to open your lock...

1. Turn RIGHT 3 times . Stop at the 1st number.

2. Turn LEFT one full turn passing the 1st number to stop at the 2nd number.

3. Turn RIGHT and stop at the 3rd number. Pull the shackle.


  • Click on the "Google Classroom" to bring you to the Homepage

  • Click on the "+" sign in the top right corner and select "Join Class"

  • Enter the classroom code found below

Google Classroom

Google Classroom has become an efficient way for students to complete assignments without losing the worksheet or forgetting to bring it home/back to school. Students will be asked to sign into my Google Classroom at the beginning of the school year, or during the quarter that they first have PE(for those starting off the year in Health). Once signed in, all assignments from my class will be posted there. Students can use their Westwood logins to complete assignments from any computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Physical Education Activities

During the course of this school year students will get to experience a wide array of different physical activities, sports, fitness, and cooperative games. In order to ensure a high quality of sportsmanship and participation please review thoroughly the following physical education contract.

Quarter 1

  • Fitness

  • Football/Soccer

Quarter 2

  • Fitness

  • Volleyball/Badminton/Weight Room/Rec games

Quarter 3

  • Fitness

Quarter 4

HEALTH room 108