Mr. Moffo

Department of Mathematics

"Mathematics is the alphabet in which God has written the world"- Galileo

Room 209

Welcome Students and Parents


I am eager and excited to continue another school in year teaching high school mathematics in September.  I have taught high school mathematics for 30 years (13 at Union Hill H.S. in Union City, NJ) and am looking forward to my 18th year at Westwood High School!!  I received my Bachelor of Arts from the University of Hartford and am also certified to teach English as a Second Language.  You will find learning Algebra II in my room challenging, yet rewarding.   Hopefully, along the way, I can also introduce you to some small life lessons that you can take with you once you leave the "hallowed walls" of room 209.  I look forward to working with and meeting each and every one of you.   

For September, please have a SPIRAL, 5 subject notebook, folders, PENCILS - NO PENS, a TI-84 graphing calculator, and a willingness to strive, do well, and PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE.  Have a wonderful, SAFE, and BLESSED summer.  See you in September.

Please feel free to contact me via email at

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