8th Grade Engineering

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8th Grade Engineering

Course Syllabus

Teacher: Mr. Miller

Room: 14

Semester Duration: approximately 45 days

Email: daniel.miller@wwrsd.org

"A good scientist is a person with original ideas. A good engineer is a

person who makes a design that works with as few original ideas as possible"

-Freeman Dyson


Welcome to 8th Grade Engineering!

In this course, all 8th grade students will have the opportunity to experience the technological design process that is utilized by engineers! They will be introduced step-by-step to the different phases of designing and building. In taking this approach, students will take part in activities that will allow them to explore different aspects and fields of technical design, so that it can potentially guide them in deciding other Applied Technology courses that meet their specific interests. From brainstorming solutions, developing a design, and even using shop equipment to make a design come to life, the exciting world of engineering turns ideas into reality.


Students will use the following materials for this course:

- Once section in a multi-subject notebook

- Pen

- Pencil


The grading breakdown is as follows:

Quizzes, Tests and Projects: 50%

Participation/ Classwork: 50%

  • Late work will be accepted up to five days after the given due date. However, 10% of points for the overall project will be deducted for each of these five days that the work is late. After five days, the work will no longer be accepted unless an alternate due date was agreed upon beforehand.

  • This course is centered on project-based learning. Project grades are performance-based, and all of the assignments will contain a rubric clearly stating the expectations that must be met. Examples of categories in the rubric include: Craftsmanship, Execution of Project, Collaboration, and the completion of set requirements.

  • Student participation includes behavior and efficient use of class time when working. A weekly Participation Grade from 0-5 will be given on Genesis, with a 5 being equivalent to 100%. Daily Class Participation


No personal electronic devices are to be used in class unless otherwise specified by the teacher.

  • If a student has their phone visible in class but is not actively using it, it will be taken by the teacher and the student can retrieve it at the end of the period.

  • If a student is USING their phone in class, it will be taken by the teacher and returned at the end of the day.


In this course, students will study and apply basic engineering principles through a series of projects that develop problem solving and critical thinking skills. Topics and projects addressed in this course include:

• Engineering Design Process

• Shop Safety

• Biomedical Engineering (Prosthetic Design)

-Introduction to Prosthetic Design and application

-Drawing Styles and Techniques

-Digital Design and Render of Prosthetic

• Rube Goldberg

- Simple Machines

- Free-Body Diagrams

- Core Technologies & Systems

• Technological Fields and Courses