World Language Instruction

The World Language (Spanish) program consists of instruction once a week for 40 minutes in all of the kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth, and fifth grade classrooms.

I utilize a method of instruction that is known as Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS). Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling is a highly communicative method that promotes fluency and lasting communication skills. TPRS utilizes principles and proven elements of successful language acquisition. In addition, TPRS is a multi-sensory method that naturally meets the needs of the kinesthetic learners and visual images (illustrations, props, and student actors) satisfy the needs of the visual learners. Students develop a real "ear for the language," learning to listen and respond. Kindergarten, first, and second graders will focus on listening and speaking. Third, fourth, and fifth graders will focus on listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Communication is the key to every language!

Students who study World Language in Elementary School:

-Achieve expected gains and higher scores on standardized tests in reading, language arts, and mathematics

-Show greater cognitive development in areas such as mental flexibility, creativity, divergent thinking, and higher-order thinking skills

-Show an improved self-concept and sense of achievement

-Develop the notion of the "other" by age 10, towards nations and groups, so global awareness is important to establish at an early age

-Are more able to distinguish fine differences in language in early childhood, but each year of development makes it more difficult

-Have more time to practice and acquire a greater degree of fluency and effectiveness

Adapted from New Jersey World Languages Curriculum Framework