West Valley School District

Elementary August Kickstart

August 17th - 26th

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

The AUGUST KICKSTART is open to ALL West Valley Students who will be entering into Grades K-5!


What will students be doing?

This summer we will focus on fostering Joy, Curiosity, and Connections with our classroom friends and West Valley teachers in anticipation of school in the fall. We will explore several high-interest reading & writing activities that include hands-on art, science, and math projects. Student selected activities will provide joyful learning experiences, build relationships, and encourage all learners to feel a sense of belonging within their classroom & school community.

Where will August Kickstart be located?

Students will participate in August Kickstart at the elementary school they will be attending in the 2021-2022 school year.

Will school bus transportation be available?

Yes! West Valley will provide transportation to all WVSD students who reside in-district. If your student requires transportation, you will need to register them for August Kickstart no later than Friday, July 2nd. Any registrations after July 2nd will not be eligible for WVSD transportation.

What if a student cannot attend all 6 days?

August Kickstart is flexible! If students can attend for some of the days and not all of the days - that is ok! If the student requires school bus transportation, you will need to connect directly with the WVSD transportation department to let them know your schedule. Call Transportation at: 509-922-5467

Will school meals be provided?

Yes! FREE breakfast and lunch will be provided for all students.

Will students be with their grade level or with multi-ages?

Students may be at their grade level OR with Multi-age students depending on enrollment.

How do students sign up and is there a deadline?

Students can sign up through the link above. Deadline for sign up if you need transportation is July 2nd. Registration closes on August 2nd.

Who can attend?

All West Valley Students entering into K-5.

How much does August Kickstart cost?

Nothing! It's FREE!