RM Unify
Common Problems and Fixes with RM Unify
Make sure you are logged on with your 2022 username (any old usernames will no longer work!)
Delete all old usernames from your phone or tablet device.
Try assigning the login to be a Work Profile on your phone.
Remember if you can't access Unify for some reason, you can still go to the sites of our individual learning apps: Oxford Owl, tt Rockstars, Numbots and Spelling Shed
With extreme problems with logging on to RM Unify causing a conflict with the personal settings of a device use the following method:
Don't try and access Google Classroom from the app or website. Instead, use a safari or chrome browser set in incognito mode (a link to what this is can be found below) to go to the site https://sts.platform.rmunify.com/. This means that the phone's settings for your own user accounts and your child's won't conflict. (Use your full username to login in this case - eg. astudent12@wvps.northants.sch.uk)
If you are unsure what incognito mode is, it is explained in the following article: https://www.computerworld.com/article/3356840/how-to-go-incognito-in-chrome-firefox-safari-and-edge.html