Counselor Corner

Welcome to our Walton Verona Middle School Counseling Homepage! Our counseling department is dedicated to supporting students in their academic, social, and emotional growth. We aim to create a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment that helps students develop into capable and independent adults. If you are a student in need of counseling, please click on the appropriate Google Form below: 

Student Referral Link (self)

Parent Referral Link 

Class Guidance

Every month, I will be going into classrooms for an SEL lesson! In September, we will be discussing Suicide Prevention. We are using a program called SOS Signs of Suicide.

SOS Parent Letter 

SOS for Parents & Caregivers Handout

SOS Parent & Caregiver Training Slide Deck

Coping Strategies

Coping strategies are skills we use to manage feelings and handle stress. These can be used at any time, and regular use can help prevent stress! Try some of these:

At Home

We suggest focusing on positive habits to start the new school year! Here are some suggestions:

Contact Us!

Middle School Counselor

Mrs. Amanda Walker


option 2

Middle School Counseling Secretary

Mrs. Diane Schadler 


option 2