Records Management FAQs

What is a Records Retention and Disposal Schedule? 

A policy identifying all documents maintained in the operation of an agency which defines how long each record type must be maintained and the required method of destruction. 

What is a record series? 

An identifier for a unit of records which relate to a similar subject or function for purposes of designation, description, and disposition. They document similar records. The record series are used to locate the type of records seeking to be destroyed from the retention schedule to assure they have reached their retention period. 

How long do I have to keep records? 

To determine how long you must keep records please refer to your agency's retention schedule which will clearly define how long you must keep them based upon the agency's governing laws. 

Does my agency have an approved Records Retention and Disposal Schedule? 

To find out if your agency has an approved retention schedule on file, please contact your agency Records Manager or the Records Management Program Administrator at

What do I need to do in order to destroy records? 

First determine if the particular records you wish to destroy are eligible for destruction. If so, contact your agency's Records Manager so he/she can submit an Authorization to Destroy Records to the Records Management Program AdministratorAn Authorization to Destroy Records form must be completed and sent to to request destruction of records.  You will be notified once approval to destroy has been granted. 

What can I do with records that I need to keep but  I don't have space to store them? 

To request pickup of records for storage at the State Records Center simply send an email to  The records center staff will contact you to arrange a date and time to pick up the records.  Prior to  their pickup you will need to complete a transmittal form which identifies what the records are and when they are eligible for destruction according to your agency's approved records retention and disposal schedule. That completed form needs to be placed on top of the records under the lid.  Once the records have been processed and have become a part of the state's inventory, you will receive the SWV barcode numbers for each box for your file.

Is it okay to convert my records into electronic format for storing? 

Converting records to electronic format is recommended, when appropriate. Although some records must be maintained in their original format for historic purposes.  Note, paper records cannot be destroyed once converted to electronic format unless your agency's approved retention schedule clearly identifies those records you plan to destroy once they are converted to electronic format. 

What if my records contain personal identifiable information (PII)? 

All records containing Personal Identifiable Information must be secured at all times and must be destroyed by crosscut shredding.