WMS Loud and Proud Choir

We have almost made it!!!!!

Follow us on Twitter at WentzMSChoir. Sometimes important information and sometimes just random thoughts!

How to.....

SIGHT READING FACTORY - Log on to Sight Reading Factory. Go up to assignments. Launch the assignment. Go to the microphone (voice family) and EVERYONE clicks on the Alto line. I have made it low enough for everyone to sing. Good Luck.

Choir discription and rules #3

WWW. Musictheory.net Go to Exercises Go to Note Identification

Choir shirts are on sale now in the choir room for $8.00. They are the same as in the past 11 years. See Mrs. Wilson-Smith to purchase yours!

UGGGGGG Thanks to Covid we don't get to compete or have a concert. This is NOT the way I wanted to end 40 years of teaching choir and I REALLY wanted to give your student that opportunity. I hope next year is a little easier on the fine arts. You have amazing kids and I will miss them a lot. Thank you all for your support this past year.