Release the Quackin: Grades 3-5 SPring Instrument Club

What is Release the Quackin?

Release the Quackin is the Wabash instrument club.  The purpose of this club is to offer students an extended opportunity to perform on classroom instruments at a higher level than is possible during classtime.  Instruments include recorders, xylophones and drums.  Students with previous knowledge of other instruments such as piano and guitar may also play on those instruments pending director approval.  Admission is open to any student in grades 3, 4, & 5 until capacity for a session is reached for 30 students.   Students do not need to audition to be part of instrument club but must commit to exemplary behavior and attendance with no more than 2 unexcused absences (illnesses are excused of course!).  Signups will take place starting January 6 through January 16, 2025 (first 2 weeks of second semester) or until the 30 student cap is reached.  Due to a limited quantity of instruments we are only able to accept 30 students in the instrument club. If sign ups exceed 30 students, interested students who gave their fall choir slot to another student will be admitted first followed by a random drawing of students.

All families will be notified whether their student is a part of the instrument club on Friday, January 17 by the end of the school day.

Rehearsals are every Tuesday morning before school from 7:15-8:15 a.m. from February 4-April 29, 2025.  There is a one-time $15 fee due at the first practice to cover the cost of our performance t-shirts, sheet music, and a breakfast party at the end of the session.  The fee should be paid as cash/ check payable to Wabash Elementary.  If this cost is a financial hardship please reach out to Mrs. Jones at

Look here on January 6, 2025 for the Google Form to sign up!

Spring 2025 Session:

Songs below to accompany the book "What Can You Do With A Rock?" by Pat Zietlow Miller: