Donation Business Partnerships
Thank you ❤️
Thank you for supporting Weber High Quarters & Cans. In an effort to better support and recognize the various places and faces of our community, the Weber High Student Government has drafted a list of business perks. All tiers of perks build upon each other, but you can pick and choose specific perks that benefit your business.
Click HERE for a quick donation directly to Quarters and Cans.
Click HERE to tell us which perks you are interested in participating in.
Click HERE to donate over $500. Select "Weber High School" and write in "Quarters & Cans."
Riverside Golf Course
Grizzly Graphics
Mountain Alarm
Diamond Peak
Hearth and Home
Donation Partnership
Instagram story- $100
This story will advertise your company and its donation, and will remain on the @Weberhighofficial Instagram for 24 hours.
Instagram post- $500
This post would advertise your company to all of @Weberhighofficial Instagram followers with the amount you donate. This post will remain on our page for a minimum of 365 days.
Back of Q+C shirt- $750
This includes your brand name being displayed on the back of at least 3 shirts advertising your company's donation.
Poster hung in the halls of Weber High- $1000
This will be a 12x18 inch poster provided to Weber by your company. We will hang this in the main hall of Weber for everyone to see during month of December for all attendants of our school concerts to see. We have more activities for families in December than any other month.
Dance Partnership Package- $1500- Max of 3 businesses
This package would include a table at Weber High during lunch everyday during the week leading up to the dance and setting up a booth next to the ticket booth in order to talk to Weber students. The company name would also be mentioned out over the loudspeaker at the dance 2 times. We would also allot your company 5 minutes during the dance assembly to interact with the crowd and advertise your name. This also includes lower tiered benefits.
*All prices are minimum amount for that tier.
Higher tiers include all lower tiered benefits.