Congratulations Sand Ridge Athletes!
Welcome to Sand Ridge Athletics!
Please fill out the athletic forms on Aktivate, formerly known as Register My Athlete, & don't forget to Upload a current physical in Aktivate as well.
Pay fees on your parent portal account or in the main office,
This MUST be done before the first game of the sports season!
(Red Shirts MUST also have a physical. NAL is the only sport that does NOT require a Physical Uploaded)
ALL members of the team must pay the following: $65 District Fee, $10 Bus Fee, $50 Program Fee & any additional fees related to your sport.
(Red Shirts are NOT Required to pay the $65 District Fee.)
Sports Disclosures & click on your Sport at the top right of the screen
Fees may vary from year to year depending on price increases and fee schedule
If you are unable to pay fees you can apply for a fee waiver. Click here to print the application & turn into the main office with proper documentation addressed on the form. If you are on free or reduced lunch click here to print the form and return to the main office.
If you go to a Charter School or homeschool, but are within Sand Ridge Boundary and make the team the Charter School Participation Form and once a year payment per player of $75 must also be paid by the Charter School ~Click Here~ (If your student is home schooled we need to know if they get the the Utah Fits All Scholarship.)
Weber School District Junior High Athletic Schedule and Board of Managers Handbook ~Click Here~