6th Grade

Welcome to 6th Grade!

Thank you for the great turnout at the open house. For those of you who couldn’t make it or those of you who were overwhelmed with the amount of information, we wanted to remind you of a few things.

Personal responsibility is very important in middle school. If your child is absent, there are several ways to get caught up. Students should communicate with their teachers about what they missed, but they should also check Google Classroom, call or email friends, and look at the Homework Hotline.

Google Classroom is an educational app we use to inform students of homework, assessments, classroom activities, etc. Students are also able to view information from classes they may have missed and will need to make up.

Speaking of homework, students should expect to have homework in math and reading on a daily basis. Math homework will be an extension of what is learned during class. Students will be given plenty of class time to work but may have to take some math work home to complete it. Typically in reading, students are expected to read an independent reading book nightly for a minimum of 20 minutes or 20 pages. Most other classes will have homework on an intermittent basis. Please encourage your child to complete their homework the same night they had class so they are able to recall what they learned more readily.

During the first few weeks of school, the 6th grade team will be working with your student to make the transition run as smoothly as possible. Your child is in good hands!

We are looking forward to a great year!

The 6th Grade Team

Teacher Emails

Resource Teachers

  • Mr. Johnson

  • Mr. Karyea

  • Mrs. Gross

Fall: OEC Trip typically in October

Spring: OEC Trip & Waterpark Day typically both during the last week of school

*Please look for emails and/or field trip forms throughout the year*