WRHS Phys Ed

On this site you will find a list of sites to help yourself stay in shape while you are staying at home. Please take a moment and consider safety issues that might arise while working at home. Some issue that you might want to consider include but are not limited to:

-Move furniture out of the way

-Make sure you are on a non slip surface

-Remove pets and small children from the workout area

-Be aware of ceiling fans and hanging lights.

-Please look at your workout area and eliminate any other issue.

Have fun and be safe with the sites that are listing.

Home Court App on your Iphone or I Pad.

This app allows you compete basketball skills and drills with direct feed back on your success. Here is the web site to give you examples:


Hope you enjoy.

Full body exercises that require no equipment:


20 Minute Full Body Tabata Workout (Intervals 20 second work/10 second rest)


Yoga for beginners - Free for students and teachers until July 1st


Cross Fit At Home Workouts

Below you will find a website demonstrating the proper techniques of several exercises

Todays workout

Pick two upper body exercises, two lower body exercises, and one abdominal exercise.

2 sets of 10 repetitions. 30 second rest in between body parts.

Sample workout

10 Push ups

30 second rest

10 Overhead Squats

30 second rest

10 Dips

30 second rest

10 L-Sits

30 second rest

10 Sit ups

2 minute rest then repeat the workout.


10 Explosive Speed Exercises

Sample workout

Day 1: Complete all 10 movements for 30 seconds or ten repetitions. Allow a 30 second rest then move on to the next exercise. Repeat for a second Set

  1. Jump Squats 2. Jump lunge 3.Lateral Bound 4. A Skips 5.Reverse Lunge knee drive 6.Tuck Jump 7.High Knees 8.Heel Flips 9.Kneeling jumps 10. Calf Jumps


Agility Drills- Here is a list of agility drills that you can run at your home. Each drill uses cone but you can use other items are your house if you do not have cones. Do not use items that you could turn your ankle on or that would hurt if you fall on.

Workout: Select one workout exercise from the list below. Complete the drill and take at 45 second break. Repeat the drill five times to complete one set. Take a 2 minute rest in between each set. Complete 3 sets.

5-10-5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lahLZmfMyJQ

Illinois Agility Drill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Urr-MJ6CIfk

T Test Agility https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UOP7h0eH_8

10 Fast Footwork Exercises to Increase Foot Speed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gt_8BAWnUI8

5 Speed and Agility Drills for Increasing Speed and Change of Direction ( You will need 6 cones or other object for markers and 20 yds of space) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ew2m3m5f0M

The link below will redircet you to the quizlet site. It is a simple informational flashcard review of basic fitness terms that may help you to better understand different categories of fitness. [After the first few flashcards, Quizlet will ask you to sign in using your school gmail account which is free to do. If you have not used this site, it is beneficial for all of your academic classes as well.]


Perfect Home Workout- This is a daily workout that works the full body with simple house hold movement. The program is based on a one minute set with no brake in between activities. The rest consists of you using another body part in the motion.


Project Adventure Sites- Here are a list of websites that involve Project Adventure skills and concepts.

▪︎ Knot Tying Video: Bowline on a Bight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzE89JBmLwo

Knot Tying Video: Figure-8 Variations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKcbfA-n7q0&t=380s

Documentary Films and other Films/Videos about climbers and climbing adventures:

Alex Honnold: How I Climbed A 3,000 Foot Vertical Cliff Without Ropes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iM6M_7wBMc&t=67s

Lifetime Sports Drills and Skills- Badminton Skills
