Toys For Tots

In December, the Leadership Advisors held a Toys-For-Tots toy drive. By the end of the month, we had raised enough toys to overflow our three large donation boxes. The generosity of the LCES students, parents, and staff is greatly appreciated.

Below I have added some videos showing the need for the program, and although most of us are familiar with the program, I still wanted to post a brief written description.

Local Toys-For-Tots campaigns are conducted annually in over 800 communities covering all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. The Commander, Marine Forces Reserve, has under his command over 150 Reserve Units located in 47 states. To cover all 50 states and more communities in each state, the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation selects Marine Corps League Detachments∗∗ and Local Community Organizations∗∗∗ (generally veteran Marines) located in communities without a Marine Reserve Center, to conduct Toys for Tots Campaigns as part of the overall Marine Toys for Tots Program.

Our Drive contributed to many local children receiving Christmas gifts who otherwise might have woke up to an empty tree.

In doing this, I hope that your students learned and practiced empathy, compassion, and learned that they are capable of making a positive impact on their community.

From the bottom of my heart THANK YOU!

Mr. Morgan