The Leadership Game

The Leadership Game

This Video is 15 minutes long, and may be too much for some of our younger leaders, but as an at-home influencer this video will give you insight into one of the key components of this years Leadership Ambassadors program.

After watching this video we instituted a program using

"The Kindness Questions"

At the end of each day your student should be able to answer at least two of the following questions:

1. How have I recognized someone else’s leadership today? (Impact)

2. What have I done to make it more likely I will learn something? (Continuous Improvement)

3. What have I done to make it more likely someone else will learn something? (Mentorship)

4. What positive thing have I said to someone’s face today? (Empowerment)

5. What positive thing have I said about someone who isn’t in the room? (Recognition)

6. How have I been good to myself today? (Self Respect)